Curriculum Vitae


Mark Phelan




Master of Fine Arts in Painting, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2016

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2014



CATS Academy, Braintree, MA, 2017-Present, Head of Visual and Performing Arts, Full Time Faculty of Drawing, Painting, Printmaking. Collaborated on curriculum development which became the second curriculum in the US to be approved by University of Arts London for awarding Level 3 Foundations diploma.

MassART, Boston, MA, 2017, Summer Studios Instructor; Introduction to Drawing, Introduction to Painting, and 3D Design

University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA, 2015-2016, Instructor; Structural Drawing, Foundation Figure Drawing

Bicycle Industry, 1991-2011, Positions in sales and store management, sales representative for major bicycle suppliers, product purchasing, and leadership team. Worked for companies such as Trek Bicycle and Landry’s Bicycles.

Communty Service

Superflat, New Bedford, MA, 2017-present, Volunteer

New Bedford Art Museum, 2017, Teen Artist Internship Program Mentor


Selected Exhibition History

2025 * goodnightiloveyouillseeyouinthemorning, Co Creative Center, New Bedford, MA

2022 *Thresholding, Co Creative Center, New Bedford, MA

2020 *Ebb and Flow, Groundwork, New Bedford, MA

2019  *The Cartography of Impossible Spaces, Part 2, Wall Gallery, Norwood, MA

2018  *The Cartography of Impossible Spaces, Part 1, Co Creative Center, New Bedford, MA

2017  *Mental Mapping (is Heavy Lifting), Groundwork!, New Bedford, MA

2016 UMass Dartmouth MFA Exhibition, Bromfield Gallery, Boston, MA

2016 MFA Candidates Exhibition, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,

          New Bedford, MA 

 2016 Here’s Looking At You (a self-portrait show), Gallery X, New Bedford, MA

 2015 A Fake Flyer for a Real Print Show, Gallery 244, New Bedford, MA

 2014 LIVE+LOUD, Gallery XS, New Bedford, MA

 2014 Fear and Loathing in New Bedford, Gallery XS, New Bedford, MA

 2014 *A Dialogue of Monologs, Gallery 244, New Bedford, MA

 2014 Glimpse, Gallery 244, New Bedford, MA

 2014 Undergraduates, Artworks, New Bedford, MA

 2009 *These Things Take Time, IAO Projects, Salt Lake City, UT

 2009 *Monotypes, Aeon Logic Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.

 2009 Annual Juried Print Show, Massasoit Community College, Canton, MA

 2008 Shall We Begin? IAO Projects, Salt Lake City, UT

 2008 Inaugural, Aeon Logic Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

 Solo and two-person shows indicated with *


Work Featured in Publication

2022 Herald News, Art Beat Takes a Look at Thresholding: New Work by Mark Phelan, New Bedford, MA

2018 South Coast Today, Best Shows of the South Coast, New Bedford, MA

2017  Meet Mark Phelan,

2016 South Coast Today, Review: UMass MFA Candidates, New Bedford, MA

2016 Village Soup, UMass MFA Exhibition Wows in New Bedford, Dartmouth, MA

2015 South Coast Today, UMD Printmakers Impress, New Bedford, MA

 2011 Impressive: Printmaking, Letterpress, and Graphic Design, H. Hellige, Gestalten Press

 2009 I Left This Here For You To Read, Issue 14, Tim Devin, Publisher

 2008 City Weekly, IAO Projects Artists, 12 December 2008, Salt Lake City, UT


 Grants Received

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dean’s Award for Extraordinary Body of Undergraduate work, $1750, individual grant for academic year of 2014-2015

City of New Bedford, Seaport Art Walk Grant for installation of public sculpture, $1200, individual grant for Spring 2015

Seastreak Ferry Company, Grant for Mural and Sculpture, $600, group grant for Summer 2014, co-principal